Save Money & Energy

Learn a variety of ways for you to manage your energy use as well as programs and tools to help manage your bill.
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Start being energy smart.

From the chill of winter to the swelter of summer, we help you prepare with smart energy saving tips.
Thermostat Icon
Set your thermostat at 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter and 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, health permitting.
Smart Thermostat Icon
Install a programmable thermostat and properly program it to follow your schedule.
Rain Shine Icon
Dress for the weather even when you’re inside. If it’s cold outside, dress in warm layers. When it’s hot, wear light, loose-fitting clothes.

More tips to help you save.

Find more energy-saving tips for your home or business.

Understand Your Bill

Save Money Understand Bill Section FPO Image
If you're in need of aid to cover your utility bills, seeking more effective ways to manage your energy usage, or simply looking to better understand your bill - we're here to help.

Smart ways to help you save.

Make smarter energy decisions by using our helpful tools to save money while increasing energy efficiency with natural gas appliances.
We're proud to be an  ENERGY STAR® partner in our continued commitment to energy efficiency and conservation.

See how your energy use measures up!

Try our Energy Savings Portal today to take advantage of:
  • Comparing your monthly natural gas usage
  • Benchmarking with similar homes in your area
  • Taking a Home Energy Analysis to see how your home uses energy
  • Personalized tips based on your Home Energy Analysis

Try it out here.

Simply use your Southwest Gas account number to join! Have your Southwest Gas bill handy or login to MyAccount for your account number.


Energy Savings Portal Sample Pic

Energy Calculators

Energy Calc
What is a "carbon footprint"? It’s a term used for the carbon emissions produced by everyday activities. Find your carbon footprint by using these energy calculators, and make more informed choices for your home or business.

Energy Efficient Homes

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Energy efficient homes are designed to deliver energy savings, making your path to being energy smart a no-brainer.

Home Weatherization

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Keep your home comfortable for all seasons with our tips on preparing your home for every type of weather.